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Hi, I’m Carmen,

the entrepreneur/educator/statistician who loves to push myself in all aspects of life! I love data and the fact that it can give us so much useful information. The best thing to experience is helping someone have the lightbulb moment where they understand their stats. However, my first passion in life was business and entrepreneurship and I was known to come up with business ideas and business plans from a young age. So, if I am not working on solving a statistical problem or developing a course that will help others have that lightbulb moment, I’ll probably have my nose in a business book or a podcast in my ear.


I have been consulting in research statistics for the last 9 years where I have had the awesome experience of helping hundreds of people complete their research degrees, as well as had a hand in some multi-disciplinary research projects that have helped me grow as a statistician and person. I have a Masters degree in statistics and am currently finishing a PhD in statistics.

I can’t wait to help you complete your degree and see you succeed!

Hi, I’m Ross

I’m often called “google” by my friends because I love information and am interested in learning about almost everything! I have a PhD in Physics and have spent a decade of my life in academia with a focus on solar panel research using advanced imaging techniques combined with evolutionary algorithms. I have also worked in a commercial testing facility for 8 years which does quality testing for solar panels.

Throughout my postgraduate degrees, I faced some major challenges, both from the technical side but mainly from the mental challenges that comes from doing postgraduate degree that is often ignored and more difficult to manage than the degree itself! Through our coaching and support, we want to help you tackle these challenges and succeed!

If I’m not working at my laptop, you can probably find me working on my Jeep and developing custom 4x4 parts for the 4x4 groups. It’s definitely one of my favourite past-times!

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